The speaking was usually in English first and followed with a translation in Bimba. Most of the songs were in Bimba though I did recognize several of the tunes! LOTS of Amens! The paster, Frances, has a powerful voice and had lots of 1-2 line things to say and then there would be several songs again!
He started calling the names of various groups who would then each exit, there would be a few more songs by the congregations and then the group would come in singing and dancing and perform 3-4 songs and dances (each group).....they kept doing 3-4 songs each group even though each time Pastor Frances would call a group he would ask them to only do 2 got to be rather funny!
We enjoyed about a 3 hour service with some more of the best music I think I've ever heard. This time it was accompanied by a guitar and a lady playing a water jug as a drum and a real bongo drum too!
I will need to get to the rest of the day next blog!
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