Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our Greeting at Wiphan Zambia

Since it took 2 days to arrive here and internet is VERY sporadic I am way behind on blogs. We are also not in or around our rooms for long and VERY tired, but having a great time. I will just need to provide some highlights 1 blog at a time from the days here and count on Shannon Holden's blog.... she is my room mate here and is staying up until all hours of the morning writing so I'm sure her blog is great (I wouldn't know because I have only been able to get to and facebook...go figure).

When we arrived at the school the first day it was AWESOME....the ladies had been waiting for us for a few hours (which is the Africa way, no real "time") and were lined up the road leading in the school. They broke into song when they saw our van and sang and followed the van to the school and sang lots more. They have beautiful voices...the melody, harmony etc. is incredible to listen to....there is no back ground music and, at least this time, no instruments and it plain didn't matter.

A young class of children (most likely the youngest of the school children at Wiphan) were waiting as well and sang a welcome song as well....they were a bit shy but it was lovely!

We went inside their classroom and they introduced the team. They were very interested in our pets. They have dogs here but ONLY for security. They don't feed them (most are pitiful) but it keeps them safe. One team member had a lizard and they really thought that funny as they would eat a lizard.

The folks we met are so joyful!

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