Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday In Zambia

Sunday we got a later start and didn't leave for church at Wiphan until about 10 or so. We were told that service had started a few hours before we arrived. They were singing when we arrived and the service was held in the same classroom as the children have school. We were seated in the front facing the chairs.

The speaking was usually in English first and followed with a translation in Bimba. Most of the songs were in Bimba though I did recognize several of the tunes! LOTS of Amens! The paster, Frances, has a powerful voice and had lots of 1-2 line things to say and then there would be several songs again!

He started calling the names of various groups who would then each exit, there would be a few more songs by the congregations and then the group would come in singing and dancing and perform 3-4 songs and dances (each group).....they kept doing 3-4 songs each group even though each time Pastor Frances would call a group he would ask them to only do 2 got to be rather funny!

We enjoyed about a 3 hour service with some more of the best music I think I've ever heard. This time it was accompanied by a guitar and a lady playing a water jug as a drum and a real bongo drum too!

I will need to get to the rest of the day next blog!

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